Child Benefit Earnings Cap Raised From £50k to £60k
You may have seen the changes in the spring budget and noticed an increase in the earnings cap for receiving child benefit. Child benefit is a payment from the government to those who have children. In 2024, the amount you receive is: • £25.60 per week for your first child • £16.95 per week for
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Spring Statement Round-up
The Chancellor presented his Spring Statement in March. In his speech, he provided an update on the economy and responded to the Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts.
The Spring Statement reaffirms fundamental taxation changes which will affect business and personal lives for the tax year 2022/23. In addition, he launched consultations on various aspects of the tax system together with updates on earlier consultations.
Continue reading…Even HMRC knows that every little helps…
If you’re still working from home because of this pandemic, or your business is intending to ask their staff to do so going forward, it’s worth checking out what home workers can claim as expenses with HMRC.
Continue reading…Something to spark your interest in company cars!
There’s been a lot of adjustment around how company cars are taxed over recent years. For some they are still a popular staff benefit, for others they’re a necessity, but to many they can seem like a rather expensive perk.
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