Issue 12 – Autumn 2021
From the Business Godparent

2021 Year Round Up

We are now entering the last few weeks of 2021 and what a year it has been so far. Nearly everyone has had to make an adjustment in their life somewhere and business owners have had to make more than anyone. In all the turmoil, we do need to switch off from time to time whether it is simply sitting down with  a good book and a pack of Jaffa Cakes to nibble on, (are they cakes or actually biscuits in disguise?) or getting outside for some fresh air. If it’s the latter that appeals, why not follow me on the STRAVA app, log your walks and join the Essendon challenge of doing an hour’s walk or activity per day.

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Red Sofa Interviews

Lionel Naidoo on The Red Sofa

Lionel discuses technology during the pandemic.

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Why I should focus on my employees’ wellbeing?

Is the wellbeing of your employees something you need to consider?  In my view, absolutely and here’s why – these are the many benefits

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Issue 12 - Autumn 2021

The ongoing saga of VAT and Jaffa Cakes

It’s my personal opinion that you should never assume anything with VAT. Many of you are probably thinking now of the Jaffa Cakes case which was about whether it was a cake or a biscuit?

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Issue 12 - Autumn 2021

Strava Challenge!

Do you go for a walk daily? Do you need a challenge to get you more active? 

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Xledger: Continued Professional Development

Jake and Eve have been continuing to expand their knowledge of the Xledger accounting system, right from client onboarding and workshops, through to developing and implementing a live system for clients to use.

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Top Tips

How to maximise the weekend recharge

We’ve all received a few wake-up calls in the last few months, and being reminded of any mix of the points below has been one of the greatest benefits of this whole Covid experience.

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