You can now Excel at making tax digital!
How do you fancy making tax digital even easier?! Yes, we like that idea too. And it’s not just an empty wish, because VitalTax have developed a superb application to help with just that.
If you’re using Excel, this handy piece of software enables you to submit your VAT return without even having to leave the application. You simply highlight the relevant cells and VitalTax will do the rest; including importing all the values into the correct boxes without further ado. One click… and it’s there!
No templates, no special formats, and no hoops of fire to jump through. You simply define the Excel spreadsheet in VitalTax and press the button.
But VitalTax also offers more. Once you’ve installed the application from within Excel, created an account, and given the software authority to interact with HMRC, you’ll have access to all sorts of historical VAT information. You can check your VAT liabilities and payments. You can view previously submitted returns. And you can do all this without needing to login separately; you’re directly in control of your data.
Where can you get VitalTax? It’s available to download from the Microsoft Office Store. Supported versions of Excel are: 2013, 2016, 2019 for Windows. 2016 and 2019 for Mac, Office 365, Office Online, and Excel for the iPad.
Go on… give it a go. It won’t take long before you’re excelling at making tax digital too!
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Essendon answer your questions
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